Tuition Assistance & Bursary Program
Each year, CCS (Hamilton) makes a limited amount available for bursaries to help those families paying full tuition rates who need financial assistance. The school has adopted a confidential and fair approach to providing assistance funding. Specifically, CCS works with an independent, third-party online financial service, FAST (Financial Aid for School Tuition), that will gather information from you and provide a recommendation to CCS as to the level of assistance that is appropriate in your circumstances.
The anonymous recommendations are then reviewed by the CCS Finance Committee and a final decision on how to allocate the available funds for the school year will be made. For further information, please take the time to read how the program works and consider submitting an application. Our application process is coordinated by FAST which enables us to safeguard your privacy while making a fair assessment of each family’s financial capacity.
To begin the application please click on the icon below.
Click on this above link to get started