How old is the school?
The new building was built in 2001 but the original school (CCS) was founded in 1952. Christian parents had a vision to provide an education that was consistent with the Holy Bible for their children so that these children may occupy places worthily in society, church and state.
What is so different about a Christian School?
In a Christian school all of life is defined from a Christian perspective and students are encouraged to live the Christian life style on a daily basis. We point the child to Christ; Christ is the center of every aspect of life. We encourage the child to be a servant, to use the gifts God has given him/her, and to be Christ-like - applying the fruit of the Spirit. The school's policies and programs are based on God's laws and His Word and not on popular opinion.
Is this school part of a larger education system?
How many students are typically in a class?
We try to keep the numbers very low at the primary level in order to ensure good foundational learning. The school's overall pupil teacher ratio tends to average around 23:1.
Do I have to belong to a certain religion to send my children?
You need to be a member in good standing at a Christian church to send your children to CCS. Our students currently come from a number of different Protestant denominations. Most of our students come from churches with a Reformed perspective.
How much religion is taught?
We have devotions at the beginning and end of the day and at lunch. We teach Bible as a subject. Our assemblies focus on Christian celebrations and events. It is our conviction that all of life should be Christ-centered and this must impact all the studies. Therefore we bring a Christian perspective to each subject and to our values and our interactions.

Is your curriculum similar to other schools and does it meet government standards?
curriculum meets or exists along side government standards and is quite similar to other EDVANCE and CSI schools. Calvin Christian School uses an external assessment tool known as MAP. MAP replaces the CTBS (Canadian Tests of Basic Skills) tests that were previously administered. Whereas CTBS served its purpose in providing information on student ability and program needs, MAP is not a traditional standardized test. MAP is used as an external assessment tool for students in grades 1-8. Testing taked place in the Fall and again in the Spring. With a second testing session, we are able to identify the academic growth of our students.
Do students wear uniforms?
Although students do not wear uniforms, there is a dress code, which is very specific regarding modesty and slogans.
Are your teachers qualified?
Yes. Most of our teachers have the Ontario Teacher's Certificate (or an equivalent from out of province) and/or the Christian School Teacher's Certificate. All of our teachers are professing Christians.
How are the school staff members accountable?
Our teachers are accountable to the principal who in turn is directly accountable to the Board of Directors. The parents elect directors for the Board of Directors and so there is a direct line of accountability to the parent. Furthermore, the school demonstrates or practices accountability via standardized tests, Individual Education Plans (IEPs), recognized teacher qualifications, health and safety measures, security checks, hiring practices (which meet the terms of Human Rights legislation), and numerous policies available for the parents' perusal and input.
Do you have school buses and is this transportation part of tuition?
We have six bus routes. The cost of
transportation is not included in the
tuition fee. It is important to check with the school office regarding bus routes and transportation eligibility.
What does a normal school day schedule look like?
Balanced Day Schedule West 5th Campus:
8:50 am Healthy Start (Morning Transition / Body Break)
10:30 - 11:15 am Staggered Recess
12:45 - 1:30 pm Staggered Lunch Break
3:25 pm Dismissal
Balanced Day Schedule Unity Campus:
8:50 am Welcome Bell - Healthy Start (Morning Transition / Body Break)
10:30 am Kindergarten Nutrition Break #1
10:45 am Recess
11:15 am Grade 1 / 2 Nutrition Break #1
12:45 pm Kindergarten Nutrition Break #2
1:00 pm Recess
1:15 pm Grade 1 / 2 Nutrition Break #2
3:00 pm Snack
3:25 pm Dismissal
Where do students eat lunch and is there a cafeteria?
Our teachers supervise lunch in the homeroom classroom. There is no cafeteria.
How often does the kindergarten class meet?
The par time Kindergarten program includes both Junior Kindergarten (JK) and Senior Kindergarten (SK) aged children in a combined class. West 5th classes meet on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays. Unity classes meet on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.
The Full Time Kindergarten program for JK and SK aged children combines all students in a combined class and are taught from the same curriculum.

How do you discipline students?
Every student is a special child of God and is made in His image. Like us, they are accountable for their behaviour and actions including that which is contrary to God's Word. Discipline may include verbal correction, detention and suspensions. It is important for the student to know that we all must do things out of love for the Lord. Forgiveness and closure regarding a discipline situation is also important.
Do you have Student Support Services?
Yes. We offer a variety of student support services, including a special education department and a school counselling program. We begin with an inclusive approach, followed by withdrawal from the classroom if necessary. Our learning resource personnel monitor the students and are available for consultation. In very special circumstance, an educational assistant or personal support worker is hired to help out.
Do you teach French?
French is taught regularly as a separate subject from grades 1-8.
How does tuition work?
- The tuition fee is a per family fee and covers all of the elementary school-age children in that family.
- There is also a membership fee of $300, which must be paid annually.
- New families coming to CCS must also pay a one-time registration fee of $600.
- The tuition fee is set by the membership at the Spring Membership meeting.
- Families wishing to use CCS buses pay a separate transportation fee.
- A family with a child in only Junior and Senior Kindergarten pays about half the tuition fee and transportation fees (if applicable).
Is tuition paid all at once?
Our Finance Manager will explain the best way to pay your tuition fee. You have the choice of paying monthly, annually, quarterly or by special arrangements.

Do you offer tuition assistance?
Eligibility for assistance is dependent on a number of factors. Our Finance Manager will provide you with the appropriate information. Tuition assistance is generally reserved for those families who have been with CCS for more than one year.
Does the government fund the school in any way?
We do receive help for special needs children who have difficulties learning because of health related disabilities. The government does not provide any other funding for Calvin Christian School.
How do we enroll our child(ren)?
You will first need to
apply for membership. After your membership application has been received, a member of our Admissions Committee will arrange a meeting. In some situations, a meeting can be arranged with the principal. A recommendation concerning your application will go to the Board of Directors. A student application and registration for your child(ren) will also be required. Prior to the first day of school, you will be contacted with all the necessary information regarding your child's fellow pupils, his/her teacher's name, the events of the first day and other pertinent information.