Dear Parents:
CCS uses ISM’s (Independent School Management’s) online service Financial Aid for School Tuition (FAST) to process our tuition assistance applications.
CCS also has some basic guidelines when processing your applications. Due to limited funds to distribute, a guideline that is first reviewed is whether or not you are paying full-tuition rates. Families paying in only JK/SK part-time tuition rates do not qualify for CCS tuition assistance. These families are still encouraged to contact the school's Finance Manager, as there may be 3rd party Bursary Programs which the school can apply for on your behalf. Some other key considerations include whether your family is current with their present tuition payments and if your family's gross combined income meets the eligibility threshold.
FAST does not decide what amount your family is eligible to receive. Rather, FAST provides a financial aid analysis and then includes a recommendation of what a family should reasonably contribute toward tuition. All information from FAST is kept confidential. Recommendation results are reviewed by the CCS Finance Committee who will make the final determination regarding the amounts to be awarded. These decisions are based on the Board’s policies and next year’s budget. Once these determinations are made, notices will be sent to the individual families, and they will be able to complete the school’s Tuition & Fees form for the upcoming school year.
When you are ready to begin, you can go directly to our CCS schools’
unique FAST start page by clicking HERE
The application process is self-guided. You may navigate in and out of the program allowing you to partially complete an application and go back to it at another time. Online e-mail and a 24/7 helpline is provided. Please do not call the school with specific questions about the application process. The customer service at FAST is very helpful!
The charge for the application is $45 USD payable by VISA, MasterCard or AMEX. If you do not have a credit card, please contact the Finance Manager to make other arrangements.
The online submissions are accepted from April 1st until June 1st. These applications will be reviewed, and awards determined around the beginning of June. Applications completed after June 1st will be reviewed monthly, but the awards may be limited by the amount of available bursary that remains in our fund.
The goal is to have an award determination sent to you by the middle of the June - so that your family will have all the information in your hands as you make decisions for next year.
Canadian Tax Forms
- Most recent federal forms
- Copies of all supporting tax schedules
- T-slips (such as T4, T4A, T3, T5)
- Business-T2125
- Fishing/Farming - T2121, T2042
- Rental Property - T776
- Corporation - Latest Financial Statements prepared by auditors
- Partnership - L122, Schedule 4 (Part III), T5013 or T5013A
- Trusts - T1142 if applicable
Household Information
- Year-end statement from your mortgage holder including original mortgage value
- Bank statements
- Brokerage statements
- Insurance costs for home, life, auto, and health
- Utility information
- Medical records and expenses
- Retirement account information