Enjoying the Sounds of the Season!

Christmas sights and sounds are everywhere you look at Calvin Christian School this month! The grade 7 & 8 music classes have been tooting Christmas tunes for weeks, and there is nothing sweeter than the sound of the Primary Choir and Chamber choir practising for their big events! Doors are decorated for Christmas, and Christmas artwork is decorating the halls.

The Chamber Choir, Concert band, Recorder Choir and Bell Choir have shared the sounds of the season at the Farmer's Market, the Juravinski Centre, Wellingstone Retirement home, and Limeridge Mall. Their music was appreciated by many in the Hamilton community this month!

Wednesday evening we enjoyed a Christmas program, hosted by grades 1 - 3.
Before the show, the Chamber Choir graced the front entrance with beautiful renditions of favourite Christmas songs. Mr. Postma opened the evening with devotions. He explored the many mysteries surrounding the birth of Jesus, and reminded us that the gift of Salvation is the one thing that is not a mystery at all! The Jubilee and Kindergarten students opened the evening with their songs and poems. They were angelic! The grade 4 students shared the Christmas Story, and the bell choir did a wonderful job leading the singing of favourite Christmas Hymns. Guess Who's Coming to Bethlehem? A Musical Manger Mystery was the showcase event of the evening. A combination of music and theatre brought us to the manger where Christ was born. The children were decked out in adorable costumes, and their performance was excellent. It was a "moosical" evening, thoroughly enjoyed by all who were in attendance!

A huge  thank you goes to the CCS staff and students for their work this month, as we remember and celebrate the promised coming of the baby Jesus who gave us the greatest gift of all!